Posted on 19/01/2023 by

Last year, people’s attitudes towards work and family dramatically changed. Whilst Covid bought with it a lot of heartache and pain, it did make people stop and take the time to appreciate the important things in life. There was a new found appreciation for a simpler existence, and the start of a new year is the perfect time to simplify and declutter by letting go of physical, mental, and emotional toxins. Minimalist living is nothing new, but the concept of freeing yourself from clutter can be incredibly cleansing and will bring order into your daily life.
Below are some tips you can introduce to bring a sense of order and calmness to our often chaotic lives:
Your Lifestyle
Revisit your budget - Post Christmas might sounds like a terrible time to do this, but if you understand the damage that’s been done, it is much easier to get a clearer picture of what steps need to be taken to get you back on track. Managing money based on what does and doesn’t bring you joy will help you focus on saving up for those vacations, items, and experiences that you truly love.
Simplify your diet – Focus less on frozen and fast meals, and instead ensure your grocery cart is mostly filled with fresh produce. Creating a weekly meal plan will not only help you save money but give you a chance to overhaul your weekly habits and bring some variety and excitement to your meals.
Your House
Spring clean your house –The stress of clutter can be caused by the general lack of organization and the inability to find things when you need them. Then there’s the guilt over not using the possessions you already own, and even confusion over what you really want and need in your life. Make a list and tackle your apartment or house room by room. A decluttered living space will give you better concentration, improve your mood and help you focus on what is important in your life.
Donate your clothes - Go full Marie Kondo on your wardrobe – if it doesn’t spark joy, then get rid of it. It’s incredible how many clothing items we hold on to that we haven’t worn for years or even decades. Create a system that works for you and be ruthless. It’s a wonderful feeling not only having a decluttered wardrobe, but also knowing your clothes are hopefully sparking someone else’s joy.
Your Job
Clear your desk – the physical environment of our workplace can have a huge impact on our emotions and behaviour.Walking into the office and approaching a desk full of paperwork and stationery causes stress in itself. Take the time to clear your desk, wipe it down, and create a clutter free workspace. Make sure your items are organised in a practical and aesthetic way.
Cleanse your inbox – A cluttered inbox equals a cluttered mind. And most people have more than one inbox they need to maintain. If your inbox has gotten away from you, there are many steps you can take to get it under control, such as creating folders, unsubscribing from unwanted distribution lists, or if it is in a really bad state, consider hiring a virtual assistant to help with the clean up.
Your Mind
Rid yourself of emotional stress –Worry, fear, anger, sadness and other emotions are also all normal responses to stressors we face in every day life. However, if the stress that underlies these emotions interferes with your ability to do the things you want or need to do, this stress has become unhealthy. Take more time to relax, read a book, practice yoga, exercise regularly and connect with others.And if it all becomes too much for you to handle on your own, consider seeking professional help.
Practice Mindfulness - Mindfulness can help you focus your mind on the immediate – what can I do to bring my mind and body to a place of calmness. If you can figure out what helps you feel more calm and relaxed, you can approach your problems with a clear and direct manner.
By devoting a little of your time to getting rid of the clutter in your life and maintaining things in an orderly manner, you’ll be rewarded with pleasing living areas, reduced stress, and a more organized and productive existence.