Posted on 29/08/2023 by Charlotte Frank

There are many reasons employees decide to leave their jobs. Whatever the reason, when the time comes to move role or move employer, these tips below will help to ensure the experience is positive for all involved.
1. Train your replacement well
Many employees may not have the luxury of their successor joining them for a face-to-face or online handover before their departure. If this is the case, make sure you properly document and share key information, knowledge, projects, and responsibilities so that whoever will be taking over your tasks isn’t flying blind. Have one central document that includes links to a local drive that can be accessed by all. Another very simple and efficient way of training anyone taking over from you is to screen-record yourself when conducting your daily tasks. By ensuring a smooth transition you can demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to your team/employer and not burn any bridges on the way out.
2. Give the required amount of notice – but not too much!
Check your contract and make sure you are giving the required amount of notice to your employer. Some circumstances may mean you can give more than the required amount, however, there are situations where giving too much notice may put you at a disadvantage. It could create uncertainty and disruption in the workplace, you may be reassigned tasks or overlooked for other projects by the prioritisation of other employees who plan to stay longer. Whatever the circumstance, the ideal notice period will depend on your specific situation and your workplace dynamics. Make sure you decide a notice period that is fair to both you and your employer.
3. Don’t slack off during your notice period
It’s important to maintain your professionalism and work ethic during your notice period and now is not the time to cruise through your last days, with an attitude of “I’m leaving anyway”. Performing well and continuing to work hard shows respect to your clients, colleagues, and your company. By honouring your commitment to the end, you leave on a positive note, showing a true reflection of your character and professionalism.
4. Clear your workspace and hardware
There is nothing more frustrating than when a co-worker leaves and you are left to tidy up their mess and chase them for hardware or items they may have forgotten to hand in. Leaving a tidy and organised workspace shows professionalism and respect for your co-workers, and ensures the smooth continuation of work processes.
5. Take part in an exit interview
Just as onboarding a new employee is an important first step when new joiners arrive, the exit interview is an important part of the employee separation process, providing those that are leaving the opportunity to share their feedback, experiences, and suggestions before they move on. Make sure your feedback is constructive and should cover all areas from management, culture, compensation, and benefits. This information can then be used by your company to act on the feedback received, and hopefully foster a better environment for any future hires they make.
Leaving your employment on a positive note has many advantages. With the rise of the boomerang employees post Covid, which has seen an enormous spike in employees returning to their previous place of employment, you never know what the future may hold! Regardless of your reasons for departing your company, by following these steps you can leave your job on a positive note, maintain your professional relationships, and uphold your reputation as you move on to other opportunities.